Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Stuffed Shiso leaves

Stuffed Shiso Leaves

  • 12 or more shiso leaves, blanched in boiling water by dipping them in and out quickly
  • Sushi rice, see below

Put a dollap of sushi rice off-center on one leaf. Fold bottom edge up and over rice, fold sides in, and roll up the leaf. Repeat with remaining leaves. Put on plate and enjoy. Next time I make this, I am considering making a dipping sauce, perhaps of shoyu (soy sauce) and garlic.

Sushi Rice -- from World of the East Vegetarian Cooking by Madhur Jaffrey

  • 4 T. rice wine vinegar
  • 4 T. sugar
  • ½ t. salt
  • 6 cups freshly cooked Plain Japanese Rice*

Mix first three ingredients together and set aside. Once rice is cooked and while it is still warm, put it in a flat dish and slowly pour the vinegar mixture over while ‘stirring’ the rice gently. Continue to ‘stir’ the rice so that it cools.

* Note: I use a variety of rices—depends on what I have in the cupboard or what sounds good that time. What I used at the dinner last month was Sushi rice, a sticky rice.

1 comment:

  1. I found a high altitude biscuit recipe that WORKS! *nom, nom!*
